Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Monday, December 11th, 2006

Eve Maler wrote, in her post about the Un-Talent Show at IIW2006b last Tue evening 5-Dec-2006

UPDATE: … about the gong. I’m not sure exactly what possessed JeffH to bring it with him, but he’s local and he’s a drummer, so QED, I guess! Kaliya used it throughout the IIW event to signal session transitions and such.

Well, some people bring cameras, ipods, whatever to meetings/conferences. I bring various wacky things from time-to-time. I suppose bringing one of my gongs is “friendlier” than bringing my sword, though some would argue the sword could be whacked on tables or whathaveyou to signal session transitions…

JeffH with sword,  in office.

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 207 user reviews.

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

The Liberty Alliance will present the IDentity Deployment of the Year Award (IDDY, pronounced EYE-D) before the keynote at the DIDW (DigitalID World) conference this September. The announcement and nomination page is here…

IDentity Deployment of the Year Award

This sounds like a good idea to not only promote the “online identity” topic itself, but also spread some recognition for the folks who do the usually behind-the-scenes deployment work.

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 210 user reviews.

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Dan Boneh yesterday announced the open registration (free, as in beer) for the 2nd Annual TIPPI Workshop at Stanford University. Looks like there is an interesting batch of papers to be presented, which have relevance to recent discussions on the IETF-HTTP-Auth@ mailing list (especially threads during May-2006, e.g. “New draft on anti-phishing requirements”, “BOF proposal”, “BOF Request: WARP – Web Authentication Resistant to Phishing”).

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 290 user reviews.

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

Liberty Alliance is hosting an Identity Web Services Framework Developer’s Workshop in San Francisco on 12-Jun-2006, ahead of the Burton Catalyst conference. It’s free, although the registration cutoff is 10-Jun. There will be several presentations by ID-WSF architects, including an ID-WSF overview (by Conor Cahill), a People Service overview (by Hubert Le Van Gong), and a use-case-driven exploration of the policy and consent pieces of ID-WSF (by Peter Davis). The presentations are followed by a Q

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 285 user reviews.

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

There will be an “Identity Open Space (IOS)Unconference held in Vancouver BC in Jul-2006, during the same week as the Liberty Alliance Project holds their quarterly members’ meeting in the same town. In fact, all Identity Open Space attendees are invited to attend the Vancouver Liberty members’ meeting!

This IOS event is billed as a co-production of the Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) Organizers (nominally Kaliya Hamlin, Doc Searles, and Phil Windley) and the Liberty Alliance Project.

This idea of co-locating an IOS event with the Liberty meeting is a great idea for several reasons, not the least of which is that it fosters convergence in the Identity space, and Identity is what Liberty has been all about from the beginning.

I attended the IIW2006 conference and found it to be quite interesting, stimulating, informative, and a great idea exchange venue.

Kaliya’s blog entry about IOS Vancouver — also known as “IdentityOSVan” — is HERE.

Johannes Ernst also blogged about it, entitling it (amusingly enough) “Un-Liberty?“.

Very much unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend due to overlap with a long-planned family vacation. 🙁

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 175 user reviews.