Posts Tagged ‘IETF’

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

As I’d noted back in July, the draft HSTS spec was in IETF-wide last call, from which we exited in August with various helpful comments. We applied summore elbow grease to the ol’spec and shipped it to the IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group) for further inspection, received more good comments, subsequently applied more tweaks and polish, and voila(!), this morning we have this little missive in our email…

[websec] Protocol Action: ‘HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)’ to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-websec-strict-transport-sec-14.txt)

At this point, the draft HSTS spec will be placed on the RFC Editor’s queue (which is fairly large & diverse) and will emerge in several weeks as an RFC with a proper RFC number and all.

Many thanks to all who’ve contributed, especially to Collin Jackson & Adam Barth for originally inventing this approach (which they dubbed “ForceHTTPS“).


PS: The Wikipedia HSTS entry has a consolidated specification history as well as information regarding implementation and deployment.

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