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The , brought to us by Michal Zalewski (of Google) is a quite useful document (droll understatement). It documents various security facets of the leading web browsers and provides succinct tabular comparisons of behaviors. It is available here. .

Browser Security Handbook (BSH)
Michal has also created various test scripts and their source code is available from this page:
is created and maintained on the Google Code wiki, and thus isn't available if you're offline (like on a plane). The wiki doesn't provide for a clean download with link fixups and all, so I turned to and use the below command to cache a local copy (I'm on Ubuntu GNU/Linux). .
wget -E -H -p --convert-links -nH -nd -N -P/PATH/TO/WHERE/YOU/WANT/IT/TO/LOCALLY/LIVE http://code. google. Lyrica 75mg pills $84.00 from fda approved pharmacy com/p/browsersec/wiki/main http://code. google. com/p/browsersec/wiki/Part1 http://code. google. com/p/browsersec/wiki/Part2 http://code. google. com/p/browsersec/wiki/Part3
I alias the above gnarly command line to the simple "getbrowsersec" command name (via my file), and so whenever I'm online and want to ensure I've got the latest revision lyrica 75mg pills $84.00 from fda approved pharmacy, I just type "getbrowsersec" and I'm all set. lyrica 75mg pills $84.00 from [lyrica 75mg pills $84.00 from fda approved pharmacy] fda approved pharmacy If you live in the world, I'm not sure how you'd do the above natively. I'd install , and then one has , and can just use the above command.

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