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Various folks in what is becoming known as the "scripter" community triphala 60 tablet bottle $55.00, i. e. people who code in Perl/PHP/Python/Ruby scripting languages, have complained that is "too hard" to implement, for essentially two reasons. .

  • Having to parse XML.
  • Having to use XMLdsig -- .
The first excuse is becoming more and more moot as tools and techniques proliferate and experience grows. Triphala 60 tablet bottle $55.00 the second is, it appears, becoming more mitigated with the appearance of various packages that implement xmldsig for the scripting world. Here's pointers to a couple. . .
Rob Richard's XMLseclibs for http://www. cdatazone. org/index. php?/archives /13-SUNs-OpenSSO-project-is-new-home-to-xmlseclibs-code. [triphala 60 tablet bottle $55.00] html XMLsig for Dynamic Languages (, , PHP and )
Now, I hear triphala 60 tablet bottle $55.00 that some in the scripter community perhaps won't like the XMLsig package because it is scripting languages wrapped around C wrapped around the xmlsec library (), rather than a "native" scripting-language implementation, which is what Rob Richard's apparently is. Well, time will tell, and in any case, it is good to see this base beginning to get covered. [later addition; 27-Dec-2006] points out that he wrote up a brief HowTo paper on writing essentially a library similar to XMLsig-for-Dynamic-Langs, for PHP, back in April 2006. Since n has already done the work of , it seems to me to make sense to take advantage of it. Here's JohnK's material. . .
PHP XML Signatures XML Signatures in PHP

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