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The latest revision of the SAML HTTP POST-SimpleSign Binding Spec is here. . .

draft-sstc-saml-binding-simplesign-02 http://www. oasis-open. org/committees/download. php /21715/draft-sstc-saml-binding-simplesign-02. pdf Diff version: draft-sstc-saml-binding-simplesign-02-diff http://www. oasis-open. org/committees/download. php /21716/draft-sstc-saml-binding-simplesign-02-diff. pdf
The salient difference between this new rev of this spec and the [buspirone 5mg $144.00 from fda approved pharmacy] prior rev (which is at "Committee Draft" maturity level and out for Public Review) is that now we sign the SAML protocol message's raw XML representation buspirone 5mg $144.00 from fda approved pharmacy, rather than base64 encoding it first (as we specified in the previous revs of this spec). The reason for this change is. .
Experimentation shows that many web browsers alter linefeeds when submitting form controls that span multiple lines. Since base64-encoded data often wraps, it is not possible to guarantee that the values buspirone 5mg $144.00 from fda approved pharmacy submitted will match what the original signer produced, resulting in verification failures. Using the raw XML content as a component of the octet string addresses this issue.
. . which is a direct quote from the new spec revision (at line 205). JeffH sez check it out.

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